Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology: A bibliometric review from 2018 – 1995


  • Zameer Hussain Baladi King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health sciences
  • Mumtaz Hussain satti



Purpose: To measure the growth of research published in Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology (PJO) during the year 2017 – 1995 through the bibliometric study.


Study Design:  Retrospective and observational study.

Place and Duration of Study: Medical Libraries, College of Applied Medical Sciences and College of Science & Health Profession, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh Saudi Arabia. June 2018 to April 2019. 

Material and Methods: The data for the study was retrieved from websites of e-journal of Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology (PJO) and Pak Medi Net for statistical analysis in MS Excel 2010 version.    

Results: This study examined 855 articles published in 24; 35% volumes and 96; 8.9% articles per issues in Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology (PJO) from 2018 to 1995 contributed by 2816; 3.2% authors. A gender-wise comparison among the contributing authors revealed male 2378 (84.4%) higher than the female 437 (15.5%) authors. It is also revealed that 141; 16.4% of articles were written by a female as the first author during the studied period. Majority of 734; 85.8% articles were written by multi-authors instead of solo authors 121; 14.1% out of 855 articles. 

Conclusion:  This study finds that regularly publishing of Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology (PJO) get the confidence of researchers, institutes, and readers. This journal follows the international rules for peer-review processes. This process assures authors and help journal to maintaining a constant approach as a strategy in publishing publications


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How to Cite

Baladi ZH, satti MH. Pakistan Journal of Ophthalmology: A bibliometric review from 2018 – 1995. pak J Ophthalmol [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];35(4):217-22. Available from:



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