Benign Retinal Flecks with Neuroretinitis
Fleck retina is a heterogeneous category with massive mosaic hyaline excrescences of Bruch membrane, leading to the appearance of multiple deep yellow to yellowish white lesions of variable size and shape in the ocular fundus. Krill1 in 1977 identified 4 classes: Fundus albipunctatus, inherited as either an autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive; Fundus flavimaculatus, inherited as an autosomal recessive; Familial drusen, inherited as an autosomal dominant and Fleck retina of Kandori2, inherited as an autosomal recessive. In a consanguineous Arab Palestinian family, Sabel Aish and Dajani in 19803 observed what they interpreted to be a fifth category, Familial benign fleck retina, inherited as an autosomal recessive.