Abstracts (Edited By Dr. Qasim Lateef Chaudhry)
Treatment of coats’ disease with intravitreal bevacizumab
Ray R, David E Barañano, G Baker Hubbard
Br J Ophthalmo. 2013; 97: 272–7.
Lesions simulating retinoblastoma (pseudoretinoblastoma) in 604 cases results based on age at presentation
Shields CL, Schoenberg E, Kocher K, Shukla SY, Kaliki
S, Shields JA
Ophthalmology. 2013; 120: 311-6.
Long-term rejection incidence and reversibility after penetrating and lamellar keratoplasty
Guilbert E, Bullet J, Sandali O, Basli E, Laroche L,
Borderie VM
Am J Ophthalmol. 2013; 155: 560–569
The effect of an ahmed glaucoma valve implant on corneal endothelial cell density in children with glaucoma secondary to uveitis
Ayuso VK, Scheerlinck LM, Boer JD
Am J Ophthalmol. 2013; 155: 530–5.