Ease of Removal of Posterior Segment Metallic Intraocular Foreign Body with Intraocular Forceps Vs Endomagnet Plus Forceps


  • Tehmina Jahangir, Bilal Zaheer Qureshi , Qasim Lateef Chaudhry, Asad Aslam Khan




Purpose: To compare the ease of removal of posterior segment intraocular foreign body with intraocular forceps alone or endomagnet plus forceps.
Material and Methods: A comparative case series conducted at Department of Ophthalmology, Mayo Hospital Lahore from March 2013 to August 2013. Fifty eyes of fifty patients with ocular trauma and concurrent metallic posterior segment intraocular foreign body underwent pars plana vitrectomy and we analyzed the ease of removal of posterior segment IOFB with endomagnet plus intraocular forceps (GROUP A) or intraocular forceps alone (GROUP B) by comparing the frequency of intra operative complications with either method.
Results: The comparison of the two methods of removal revealed that in Group A (endomagnet plus forceps) there was a higher rate of IOFB slippage during removal as well as failure to lift the IOFB as compared to Group B. However, iatrogenic retinal break formation was only encountered in Group B (forceps alone).
Conclusion: The best instrument to use for removal depends on the size, shape and magnetic properties of the IOFB as well as its location within the eye. The primary goal in managing IOFB is to preserve vision.




How to Cite

Asad Aslam Khan TJBZQ , QLC. Ease of Removal of Posterior Segment Metallic Intraocular Foreign Body with Intraocular Forceps Vs Endomagnet Plus Forceps. pak J Ophthalmol [Internet]. 2018 Nov. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];30(2). Available from: https://pjo.org.pk/index.php/pjo/article/view/291



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