Bacteriology of Chronic Dacryocystitis in Patients Coming to a Tertiary Care Hospital


  • Erum Shahid, Uzma Fasih, Mohammad Sabir, Arshad Shaikh



Purpose: To determine microbiology of dacryocystitis in patients coming to a tertiary care hospital of Pakistan and to find out bacterial sensitivity of different antibiotics towards causative organisms.

Study Design: Cross sectional observational study.

Place and duration of study: Ophthalmology Department, Abbassi Shaheed Hospital, Karachi from January to December 2017.

Material and Methods: Total 100 patients were enrolled by non-probability consecutive sampling technique. Patients with chronic dacryocystitis, primary or acquired nasolacrimal duct blockage were included. Acute dacryocystitis, canaliculitis, mucoceles and who had used topical or systemic antibiotics within 48 hours were excluded from the study. Detail history, ocular adnexal examination and regurgitation test was performed. Specimen was collected with a soft cotton tip applicator under sterile aseptic conditions. Gram staining and culture was done. Data was collected and analyzed on Statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.

Results: Mean age of the patients was 29.8 years ± 19.6 SD with 75% females. Mean duration of symptoms was 5.9 years ± 10.5. Right eye was affected in 58% of patients. Culture was positive in 83% and gram positive organisms were seen in 52% of cases. The most common pathogen was staphylococcus aureus 21%, than pseudomonas 18% of cases. Gram positive and negative both were most sensitive to Moxifloxacin 66% and 57% respectively.

Conclusion: The most common pathogen in chronic dacryocystitis is gram positive organism Staphylococcus aureus followed by gram negative Pseudomonas. Both gram positive and gram negative organisms are most sensitive to Moxifloxacin.

Keywords: Antibiotic, Bacteriology, Chronic Dacryocystitis, Gram Negative Bacteria, Gram Positive Bacteria.




How to Cite

Arshad Shaikh ESUFMS. Bacteriology of Chronic Dacryocystitis in Patients Coming to a Tertiary Care Hospital. pak J Ophthalmol [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];34(4). Available from:



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