A Unique Case of Optic Disc Pit in One Eye with CSC in Other Eye
A 41 year old male patient presented in eye OPD of Sharif Medical City Hospital
in January 2015 with complaints of recent onset subacute painless decrease in
vision along with metamorphopsia in his right eye. On detailed ophthalmic
examination, he was found to have Central Serous Chorioretinopathy (CSC) in
his right eye and optic disc pit in the left eye. He was investigated with FFA and
OCT and treated with focal argon laser in his right eye and systemic rifampicin
300mg for 3 months. His symptoms recovered after one month of laser and
systemic therapy.
We report this unique case of CSC in one eye and optic disc pit without
maculopathy in other eye. Despite successful treatment of CSC, this patient
stands at risk of developing more severe maculopathy in the left eye which may
warrant surgical treatment in future.
Keywords: Central serous chorioretinopathy, Optic disc pit, Optical coherence