Pthiriasis Palpebrarum: A Rare Case of Eyelash Infestation
Pthiriaisis palpebrarum, blepharoconjunctivitis, seborrheic blepharitisAbstract
We present a case of Pthiriasis palpebrarum, an eyelid infestation caused by Pthiriasis pubis. The report centers around a 38-year-old male who sought medical attention for multiple symptoms, including a sensation of lid heaviness, pain, and pruritus localized to the left eye. On slit lamp examination left eyelid and lashes were inundated with lice and nits. The patient was treated with anti-lice shampoo, anti-allergic drops, anti-allergic tablet and topical antibiotic ointment in combination with steroids. One week later, all lashes and eye brows were clean, with a few dead lice eggs; that were extracted with forceps on slit lamp. While Pthiriasis palpebrarum is acknowledged as an infrequent cause of blepharo conjunctivitis, our case underscores the potential for this condition to manifest as an isolated eyelid infestation. Importantly, the similarities it shares with lid eczema and blepharitis underscore the diagnostic challenges that may arise in clinical practice.

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