Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about Diabetic Retinopathy among Medical Students

Doi: 10.36351/pjo.v38i1.1299


  • Shehla Dareshani Dow University of Health Sciences & Civil Hospital, Karachi
  • Fizzah Farooq Dow University of Health Sciences & Civil Hospital, Karachi
  • Mir Amjad Ali Bilawal Medical College, Hyderabad
  • Nusrat Shah Khan Bilawal Medical College, Hyderabad
  • Zaheer Sultan Dr. Ruth KM PFAU/Civil Hospital, Karachi



Purpose:  The study was conducted with the aim to decipher knowledge, attitude and practice of diabetic retinopathy among MBBS students of a medical college.

Study Design:  A cross sectional survey.

Place and Duration of Study:  Dow Medical College, from October 2019 to March 2020.

Methods:  A cross sectional study was conducted among 3rd and 4th year medical students. A total of 133 students were questioned through specific questionnaire. After informed consent, demographic details were noted. Apart from source of information of students’ knowledge, set of 14 questions were asked. In the first 7 questions information of knowledge of diabetic retinopathy was addressed. Four questions were about attitude and 3 regarding practice towards diabetic retinopathy. Windows MS Excel was used for quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Results:  The mean of the overall KAP score for all students was 53.3 ± 1.2 (maximum, 70). Male students scored better in knowledge (24.8 vs 23.7) and attitude (17.3 vs 16.5). Students scored poor in identifying correct values of HbA1c and prevalence of diabetes in our country in the knowledge section. Students also lacked in identifying proper time of followup for screening of diabetic retinopathy. Many students thought uneducated people develop diabetic retinopathy earlier than educated.

Conclusion:  Our study pointed out weakness in knowledge and practice of medical students regarding prevention and management of diabetic retinopathy. Proper training and teaching of students is required for improved management and counselling of diabetic retinopathy.

Key Words:  Diabetic retinopathy, Medical students




How to Cite

Dareshani S, Farooq F, Ali MA, Khan NS, Sultan Z. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about Diabetic Retinopathy among Medical Students: Doi: 10.36351/pjo.v38i1.1299. pak J Ophthalmol [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];38(1). Available from:



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