Tadpole Pupil: A Very Rare Entity.
Tadpole pupil, Horner syndrome, Adies PupilAbstract
Tadpole Pupil is a very rare clinical entity. Only few cases have been reported to date in the literature. This is the
first case reported in Pakistan to the best of our knowledge. A 19-year old female came with the complaint of
repeated episodes of 2 to 3 times per week of irregular shaped pupil with blurry vision that subsided itself in few minutes within an hour. At presentation, her examination showed normal VA of 6/6 in both eyes with normal pupillary reactions in light and dark. Color vision, contrast, visual fields by confrontation, extraocular movements were all normal. Ophthalmic and neurologic examination was also unremarkable. Her condition was not associated with Horner syndrome, Adies or Migraine which were excluded after examination. She was counseled about the benign nature of her condition and advised for regular follow up or report in case of new appearance of symptoms.